Heritage Acupuncture made the list of Best of Durham for 2024, and I’d like to thank each and every one of you who voted! I love the idea of this list as it’s a great way to showcase local businesses. One of the first things I noticed about Durham upon arrival in 2014 is the respect for small businesses. Helping community businesses find recognition is not only good for owners, it also helps people find the services they need.
Acupuncture has always been by nature a small business. While there are hospital staff practitioners, acupuncturists in China typically work alone, perhaps with an assistant or two. Regardless of the business model, Chinese medicine lends itself to personalized care and customized treatments. We want to know about your pain, your digestion and your emotional state. Chinese medicine practitioners are trained to take detailed histories and watch for signs and symptoms that most people never notice about themselves. Is the patient pale? Are their hands and feet cold? Does the cold exist just in fingertips or extend to the forearm? Do they dream? Is their personality dominant in one emotional state? All these symptoms signify specific issues and inform the treatment.
Chinese medicine also can fill multiple needs. One of the most challenging aspects of my career has been informing people all this medicine is capable of. In this culture, we’re not accustomed to a single medical professional who can assist us with contagious illness, musculoskeletal pain, organ issues and emotional conditions. While Chinese medicine excels in acute and chronic conditions, acupuncturists do recommend regular maintenance, as enhancing your health regularly can optimize longevity and vitality. This doesn’t mean you’ll never get ill, but people who receive regular care are more resilient and less affected by accidents and illnesses.
We’re all born with raw material, meaning DNA inherited from parents and ancestors. Life can certainly throw some curve balls,but if we focus on the things we can control — diet, exercise, self-maintenance and rest — we can make every day more comfortable and enjoyable. It takes time and commitment to get there, but nothing is more important than our health and vitality. The sooner you start the more you can save in your personal health bank. As the Chinese sages say, “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”
It’s easy to practice a system you believe in, that you’ve seen work countless times personally and professionally. To me, this seems less like a business and more like a discipline and belief system. If I can do anything to share the practical brilliance of Chinese medicine that itself is the reward.